Thursday, May 17, 2007

moving before's the warm up

so, i haven't forgotten to post, it's just that i'm a little strapped for time. you see, i'm moving, which isn't awesome. my house needs to be empty by sunday, and i really haven't done as much as i should. hence the non-blogging of late. but when i do get settled in (at my mom's, how unreasonably cool am i? although i am kidding, of sorts, i still find it funny that my mom's feet haven't touched the ground since the intial prospect of getting both of her boys back home for the summer...before they move to oppposite sides of the earth) i plan on getting back into the swing of things and telling you all about it. anyhoo, i need to go pack...i don't want to, but i need too. talk to you soon superfriends.


too said...

Be careful not to regress. There is a "That's 70's Show" where Kitty offers her son Eric a "Spidey and a sandwich" after his afternoon nap. Beware of Mother's bearing their way of keeping you at home ;)

Susan Palwick said...

I lived with my mother until I was 27, because she suggested that I get a part-time job and pay almost no rent so I could work on my writing. I have an excellent mom.

Moving sucks, any way you cut it. Gary and I are never moving again. When we can't manage stairs anymore, we'll set up army cots on the first floor and sleep there.

In fact, we're never even going to paint the inside of the house, because that would require packing 89,000 cartons of books, not to mention taking the pictures off the walls.

Good luck!